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  • #3479 Reply

    Fabiola Lara

    You can find more information about the validation process that IDELA underwent on this site using the following links:

    Measuring School Readiness Globally:

    Measuring School Readiness Globally

    Developing and Validating the International Development and Early Learning Assessment: https://idela-network.org/resource/developing-and-validating-idela/

    Assessing the Construct Validity of IDELA: https://idela-network.org/resource/assessing-the-construct-validity-of-save-the-childrens-international-development-and-early-learning-assessment/

    #3568 Reply

    Fabiola Lara

    Both translation and adaptation need to be taken into account before using IDELA in your context. IDELA is not a “ready-to-use” assessment, meaning that it not only needs translation to make sure children understand the activities they will be doing during the assessment but also adaptation needs to take place to ensure that objects discussed are familiar to children. See the adaptation manual for additional guidance on where it is appropriate to adapt.

    #3582 Reply

    Fabiola Lara

    Yes, and you should. It is very important that you pay careful attention to the instructions, and read all questions to children exactly as they appear. Throughout the guide you will see two forms of type or font. Bold type in boxes indicates things the assessor must say to the child out loud. Please read this type aloud to the child completely and exactly as it appears. This is important to ensure that the data will be collected in a standardized manner across all children.

    Italic type indicates instructions for the assessor. Do not read these instructions aloud to the child. You should follow these instructions exactly as they are written.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Fabiola Lara.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Frannie Noble.
    #3584 Reply

    Fabiola Lara

    Lauren Pisani, a Research Advisor with Save the Children and one of the developers of IDELA, replied:

    The core IDELA tool does not include indicators on learning involvement or child-wellbeing, but we do try to address these important topics in a few different ways. The IDELA tool has optional items about children’s learning approaches (persistence, curiosity, attention, etc.). The items have not been validated as part of the core tool, but we are continuing to test and analyze their utility. In addition, we encourage teams to complement the IDELA tool with other measures that do measure these topics. For example, IDELA has been alongside classroom environment tools like the ECERS as well as child well-being measures that address children’s stress and psychosocial wellbeing

    #3591 Reply

    Fabiola Lara

    Probing and repeating are critical components of administering the IDELA tool, but it is important to clearly understand when and how much is appropriate. Too little probing/repeating might bias results towards an incorrect response. A child could have known the answer but not understood the question or responded to the wrong question. Too much probing/repeating might bias results towards a correct response. A child who receives many opportunities to respond may be helped by the extra chances.

    Probing should be used to clarify your understanding of a child’s response. Young child are still developing their verbal abilities so sometimes they speak very softly or say things that are unclear. We probe to make sure we clearly understand the child and their intended response.

    #3592 Reply

    Fabiola Lara

    Lauren Pisani, Research Advisor with Save the Children, replied:

    With an impact evaluation, you are typically trying to determine whether an intervention has had a significant effect on the treatment group compared to some kind of control or comparison group. You need a sample size that is large enough to conduct the statistical tests to determine the magnitude of the difference between the two groups, a small group of children will not be enough to come to a strong conclusion. Also, if the intervention period is short, you may not find substantial changes in children’s skills over this short time. If this is the case and you have a short time period, you could use IDELA to get a general sense of the skills that children in your program possess but it will not be an impact evaluation.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Fabiola Lara.
    #3594 Reply

    Jonathan Seiden

    We have detailed instructions for how to clean and analyze IDELA data here.

    In essence, each domain score (Emergent Numeracy, Emergent Literacy, Motor, and Social-Emotional) is calculated by the average percent correct for the tasks in each domain. So, in the Motor domain, if a child hopped 7/10 steps, drew 6/8 body parts, drew a good triangle with 3 sides and folded 1/4 folds, they would score 70% on Hopping, 75% on Drawing a Person, 100% on Drawing a Shape and 25% on Folding. The Motor score would be (70%+75%+100%+25%)/4= 67.5%. The Total IDELA score is simply the average for the four core domain scores.

    The Excel Template also automatically will calculate the scores based on the default IDELA assessment. You can access it here.

    #3595 Reply

    Jonathan Seiden

    We don’t have specific recommendations for technology for IDELA. You definitely do not need “top-shelf” devices like iPads to work. At the same time, it’s important to buy devices that will not break too quickly. If you have a complex form, newer tablets will typically run faster, so more RAM is generally helpful.

    KoBo Toolbox (our recommended electronic data collection platform) has general guidelines on devices here: http://help.kobotoolbox.org/collecting-data/recommended-devices-for-data-collection

    #3649 Reply

    Fabiola Lara

    Jonathan Seiden, Senior Research Specialist, replied:

    There are definitely pluses and minuses that tablet administration has. On one hand, having the administration on the tablet makes it move a lot more quickly because there are fewer sheets lying around (just the tablet+stimulus cards and materials). On the other hand, it can be distracting for some children and there are technical glitches that happen. Overall, I think there are a lot more pluses than minuses, and we can really improve the reliability of data by ensuring we don’t get missing data (and that the data was actually collected as they said it was and not just filling out sheets under a tree somewhere).

    #3651 Reply

    Fabiola Lara

    This not an uncommon question and challenge. Almost all schools or ECD groups have challenges with finding adequate spaces, especially quiet ones, for when assessing young children. A key tip would be to first make sure that there is someone on your team that can get a sense of the space (school, center, etc.) days prior to field testing in order to better understand how children and enumerators will be seated during the assessment. This person should also be present during field testing and assist enumerators on where to sit with children. Depending on the availability of space, children can sit with the enumerator under a tree, in the principal’s office, in a general meeting area for teachers, hallways, or any other extra areas that can offer some level of silence – even if complete silence is not guaranteed.

    #3652 Reply

    Fabiola Lara

    Some things to consider would be to make sure that you have a realistic timeline in terms of when the review (adaptation and translation) of the tool, training of enumerators and data collection will need to take place. It is also important to take into consideration any known outside factors (school closures due holidays, beginning/end of term, etc.), intervention start dates, etc. In short, starting sooner rather than later is important.

    #3655 Reply

    Nivida Chandra


    In using the tablets, if we follow certain checklists and protocols, it can be a more reliable and accurate means of data collection.

    We had our enumerators first train on paper, since they were not familiar with data collection on tablets. On paper, they learnt about IDELA. They learnt to administer IDELA on paper, and kept a copy with them just in case.
    We then carved out about 2 days in the 5 day training for them the learn about tablets (switching them on/off, opening the app, using it online/offline, uploading, trouble shooting, batter conversation, not using the tablet for purposes other than data collection). We did a ton of field practice using the tablets.

    The other thing we did was code only the question and response texts on the tablets. We kept all the visual items in a large kit – which each enumerator had to place in order before beginning any assessment. We also gave everyone a flip book which had only one question+image per sheet. All of this was to ease their use of materials and tablets together, which can otherwise be a source of confusion.

    We also disallowed the skipping of items in the tablets. This immensely reduced the possibility of returning to questions or skipping them by mistake.

    We also did daily checks – data had to be uploaded daily and we would check each evening if everyone’s data was in, and if they were missing data by any chance.

    And of course, intense monitoring in the field. If we felt someone was not coping with the administration, they were immediately pulled out and trained some more.

    After a couple of weeks, it becomes natural to use the tablets and in my personal opinion, it does not adversely affect the data collection at all.

    #3656 Reply

    Nivida Chandra


    Since there is no norm against which we compare the data, the questions of reliability and validity hold a different meaning in this context. I know Jonathan has responded to this in better detail, and I entirely agree with him.

    I’d just like to add that one way of making sure that your adaptation is sound and evenly scored is inter-rater reliability. And to keep that going for as long as possible.
    In using it in Delhi (India), we kept a close eye on the data and every enumerator was double scored 4-5 times. If the master trainers / supervisors felt they needed closer attention, then even more.

    #3837 Reply

    Fabiola Lara

    Not all participants that attend an enumerator training are required to be selected for actual data collection. Generally, this is up to the discretion of program managers or staff leading data collection. Some partners opted for a larger training where they could then see how participants performed and then select the most competent enumerators for data collection. Others had already made careful selections prior to the training and therefore, everyone at the training was to be a part of data collection.

    #3847 Reply

    Fabiola Lara

    To my knowledge, there have not been issues as such but only if the item is not adapted to what is relevant to the context. For partners, do you find that this is the case for you when you have used IDELA in the field?

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