
Impacts of Pre-Service Training and Coaching on Kindergarten Quality and Student Learning Outcomes in Ghana

Learning from early childhood education training in sub-Saharan Africa

Studies in Educational Evaluation

This peer reviewed article examines an early childhood education effort to study the effects of a pre-service teacher training program on teacher well being, teacher quality, and student learning outcomes. Study conclusions show varied results in the impact of the program and further discussion of how to improve other pre-service programming is provided.

Author: Sharon Wolf
Organization: University of Pennsylvania
Date: May 18, 2018
Country: Ghana


Using a randomized-control trial, this study evaluates a program designed to support Ghanaian kindergarten student-teachers during pre-service training through mentorship and in-classroom training. Several potential barriers to improved teaching quality and learning outcomes are examined. Findings show that the program improved knowledge and implementation of the national curriculum for individuals both when they were student-teachers and, the following year, when they became newly qualified teachers (NQTs). There were mixed impacts on professional well-being, increasing personal accomplishment and motivation but decreasing job satisfaction for NQTs. There were mixed impacts on teaching quality, with increases in child-led learning but decreases in some other aspects of quality. There were no impacts on NQTs’ student learning outcomes. The findings highlight system level challenges with both the posting of NQTs and the absence of support in their first teaching year. Implications for global early childhood education policy and teacher education are discussed.