Start Using IDELA

How Can I Start Using IDELA?

IDELA is open source and free of charge.

Save the Children requires organizations to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to use IDELA. This is done to protect Save the Children’s intellectual property, promote the quality and safety of data collections, and to help build a global IDELA community of practice.

Why require a MOU?

Save the Children encourages the appropriate application and use of IDELA to protect children and families involved in studies. The MOU asks partners to share resources and data created in relation to IDELA. The MOU also asks partners to share resources like translated tools and guides so we can create a repository of information which will benefit all IDELA users. By asking partners to share their data and information, we can begin to fill global knowledge gaps about young learners.

The agreement in the MOU reflects a worldwide, collaborative effort to pull together information to advocate, disseminate, and create better programs for children. The MOU is designed to entice partners to contribute towards a common goal.

How Do I Sign Up?

If your organization is a current IDELA user with a signed MOU, please send an email to [email protected]. We will send you usernames and passwords for members of your staff to access the downloadable translations, administration, guidance and training resources available only to members.

If you would like to join the IDELA community and are ready to complete the MOU, please click below to complete the MOU form.

(Note that Save the Children International offices are not required to complete an MOU. Please contact [email protected] for access.)

Questions about IDELA or need further information? Contact us.