
Play-Based BERMAIN Program Shows Improved ECD Scores in Indonesia

Play and active-learning methodologies implemented in 10 ECCD Centers


Better Education through Emphasizing Right to Play for More Attainment of Early Childhood Improvement (BERMAIN) is a project initiated with the belief that play is the best method to promote early childhood learning. In order to improve children’s school readiness, BERMAIN focuses on quality improvement of education in Early Childhood Care and Development Centers (ECCD) by equipping them with a combination of play and active learning methodologies, educational materials and teacher training.

Data was collected from a sample of 88 children using IDELA and Quality Learning Environment assessments. The report covers both baseline and endline and shows improvement in children's scores across all IDELA domains.

Author: Rachmad Kurniawan
Organization: Save the Children
Date: July 1, 2017
Country: Indonesia