
Findings from Early Literacy and Maths Baseline in Zimbabwe

Includes program information, study details, findings and recommendations for ECD programming


This presentation reviews the findings from a baseline IDELA data collection from Save the Children's Early Childhood Care and Development program in Binga District, Zimbabwe. The program is implemented in partnership with The J F Kapnek Trust and emphasizes Early Literacy and Maths (ELM) in 20 impact schools. A baseline survey was conducted using the IDELA to assess the pre-project conditions for the children enrolled at the 20 intervention and 20 control schools. The slides give a strong overview of the data collection process and the information that be gleaned from IDELA data.

For a simple review of the baseline findings, please see Save the Children's Presentation Baseline Results from ELM Programming in Binga, Zimbabwe.

Organization: Save the Children
Date: November 1, 2018
Country: Zimbabwe