
Child Focused Community Transformation Project in Mozambique


This education baseline survey aims to understand the education problems in the target areas by gathering information on the status quo. It provides a reference point for tracking the project's progress; that is, to measure the degree and quality of change during an activity's implementation.
In the education assessment three main tools have been employed, namely the IDELA, CLA and Caregivers. The IDELA tool is serving to assess the early childhood development and learning with the age group of 3.5-6.5 years. For children 7-15 years of age, FH utilized the Citizen Led Assessment (CLA) to measure basic literacy and numeracy. FH is utilizing the model of the Citizen Led Assessment as outlined on the People's Action and Learning Network (PAL Network), and more specifically, the national CLA developed for Mozambique by FACILIDADE. For caregivers of children 0-15 years of age, FHM utilized caregiver questionnaires to assess their involvement in their child's education.

Author: Food for the Hungry
Organization: Food for the Hungry
Date: November 30, 2023
Country: Mozambique