
Baseline ECCD Findings from Education Survey in Nine Districts


Food for the Hungry Bangladesh (FH/B) has been working in Bangladesh since 1972 and currently works in 9 districts: Patuakhali, Barguna, Rajbari, Kushtia, Rajshahi, Mymensingh, Bogra, Dhaka and Cox’s Bazar. FH has been implementing Child Focused community transformation (CFCT), an integrated program model of FH where health, education, livelihood and DRR are main focus areas with other cross cutting issues such as gender and worldview.

The main purpose of the Education survey was to gather information about the children and communities in Bangladesh against which to measure future growth and change, to determine baseline status for the education indicators, and to monitor activity progress during implementation.

Author: AHM Kamruzzaman and SM Moinul Islam
Organization: Food for the Hungry
Date: October 1, 2020
Country: Bangladesh