
Presentation 2015 National ECCD


This presentation reviews the 2015 National ECCD Centre Program Impact Evaluation from Bhutan. It covers the research questions, study design and results. 

Author: Lauren Pisani
Organization: Save the Children
Date: May 3, 2017
Country: Bhutan

Research Questions

  • What are the added gains of children in ECCD versus children who are not in ECCD over the course of one academic year?
  • Which ECCD type (community, CSO, private, NFE parenting) produces the greatest gains in children’s early learning and development in one academic year?
  • How does children’s learning and development vary as the ECCD center quality improves?
  • How does children’s learning and development varyas the quality of the home environment improves?
  • Which children are most disadvantaged at the start of the academic year and how does the ECCD program (through centers or parents) address inequity?