IDELA Well Represented at Key Education Conference, CIES


The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) hosts an annual conference that brings together leading organizations and researchers in the fields of early childhood development and primary and secondary education. The 2019 conference included over 3500 participants from 150 countries.

The 2020 CIES conference is planned for March and will be held in Miami. Those interested in presenting their education research will benefit from an extension of the paper submission deadline to October 1st. A variety of presentation formats are available in the Call for Papers.

In past years Save the Children as well as other IDELA partners have presented on their use of IDELA in a variety of contexts. In 2019 this included:

Pre Conference Workshop Best practices in data collection with young children: Lessons from the International Development and Early Learning Assessment (IDELA)

Formal Panel Session Monitoring for quality improvement in early childhood care and education settings featuring Jonathan Seiden of Save the Children and his paper “Using the IDELA-Classroom Environment tool to monitor and improve ECCD center quality.”

Formal Panel Session Building the evidence base for pre-primary learning: findings from Lao PDR, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Lebanon, and Niger

Formal Panel Session Collaborative impact: experimental evidence from IDELA partnerships driving ECD effectiveness and innovation 

Paper Session  Impacts of ECE programs including “Can Parenting Programs Give Children Wings? Findings from an Impact Evaluation of Parenting Program in Roma Communities in Serbia” from Lucas Heinkel, Results for Development

Save the Children and other IDELA partners look forward to presenting at CIES2020 and having the opportunity to interact with partners face to face. Save the Children plans to sponsor an IDELA table, which will be open throughout the conference. It will serve as a focus point for IDELA information, experts and partners.  If you plan to attend CIES and would like to meet with IDELA representatives, please email [email protected]. We hope to see you there!