Scoring number and letter identification (Items 5 and 17)

  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 years ago by Lela.
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  • #6820 Reply


    It is not clear to me how number identification (item 5) and letter identification (item 17) should be scored and what score then contributes to the subscale and overall scores. Do you count the number of numbers or letters that the child identified correctly?

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  • #6833 Reply


    Hello, thanks for the question. For both of these items you score identification of each letter/number as 1 or 0 (correct or incorrect). Next, you sum up those and divide by 20 (or in effect, take average). As a result maximum total score on this item will be 1 and minimum – 0. Hope this helps.

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