Process Indicators

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  • #2962 Reply

    Frannie Noble

    How does IDELA look at process indicators, such as learner involvement and well-being of the child? Are they part of the tool, how are they perceived by reseachers who developed the tool?

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  • Author
  • #3267 Reply

    Fabiola Lara

    The core IDELA tool does not include indicators on learning involvement or child-wellbeing, but we do try to address these important topics in a few different ways. The IDELA tool has optional items about children’s learning approaches (persistence, curiosity, attention, etc.). The items have not been validated as part of the core tool, but we are continuing to test and analyze their utility. In addition, we encourage teams to complement the IDELA tool with other measures that do measure these topics. For example, IDELA has been alongside classroom environment tools like the ECERS as well as child well-being measures that address children’s stress and psychosocial wellbeing.

    #3584 Reply

    Fabiola Lara

    Lauren Pisani, a Research Advisor with Save the Children and one of the developers of IDELA, replied:

    The core IDELA tool does not include indicators on learning involvement or child-wellbeing, but we do try to address these important topics in a few different ways. The IDELA tool has optional items about children’s learning approaches (persistence, curiosity, attention, etc.). The items have not been validated as part of the core tool, but we are continuing to test and analyze their utility. In addition, we encourage teams to complement the IDELA tool with other measures that do measure these topics. For example, IDELA has been alongside classroom environment tools like the ECERS as well as child well-being measures that address children’s stress and psychosocial wellbeing

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