Age of participants

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  • #6696 Reply

    Caylee Cook

    We are thinking of using the IDELA for our sample of children from low-income settings in SA. Our sample includes children 3-5years old who do not attend preschool or early childhood development programmes. I would like to find out how the testing went with the younger children, (3-4 years) and whether it is feasible to use the IDELA to test such a young age range?

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  • #6710 Reply

    Frannie Noble

    Hi Caylee,

    This is a great question, and an important one as well as anyone who has worked with young children knows that they can be unpredictable!

    Because IDELA was design specifically for the 3-6 year age range, we find that overall children are able to complete the 25-30 minute assessment. The tasks include games, puzzles, sorting and movement and each only lasts a minute or two. This tends to keep the children engaged.

    Two items from the IDELA toolkit would be good places to start in understanding engagement during the assessment.
    1. The Administration guide talks about finding the right space to do the assessment, getting assent from the child to go the assessment and keeping the child focused.
    2. The training videos are a supplementary item that demonstrate administration and also provide tips on managing the child and their engagement.

    If you do not yet have access to the full toolkit, please email [email protected]. We’d be happy to get you access.

    #6713 Reply

    Lela Chakhaia

    I would add that 3-4 years is within the recommended IDELA age range. So it should be fine. IDELA has been frequently used in resource-poor areas with children who do not attend any type of preschool or early education center (you can click IDELA Data button and check out results of children by age in various datasets).

    #6819 Reply

    Akira Suzuki

    The age range, as in the front page, is 3.5-6 and not 3. Am I missing something?

    “The International Development and Early Learning Assessment, IDELA, is a free, easy-to-use, rigorous global tool that measures children’s early learning and development. IDELA provides ECCD programs, donors, and government partners with clear evidence on the status of children from 3.5 to 6 years. “

    #6821 Reply

    Frannie Noble

    Hi Akira, Good point!

    Based on numerous studies, we’ve found that IDELA works best for children aged 3.5 to 6 years. So, we can make an evidence-backed recommendation on that age. However, many users have extended this age range based on the needs of their studies, the engagement of the children, and the children’s abilities. We find that many children aged three and above can participate in an IDELA assessment.

    In certain, limited circumstances, we’ve seen IDELA used with children as young as 2 and as old as 8. If you’re considering these age ranges our education research team would be happy to speak with you in more detail to ensure it’s the right fit.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by Frannie Noble.
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