CIES 2018: Call for IDELA Proposals

It’s that time of year again – time to submit abstracts for the Comparative International Education Society (CIES) annual conference! CIES has always been a great venue for sharing the new and interesting work happening with IDELA. In past years, panel presentations have focused on topics like identifying the impact of new innovative programs, examining equity issues within ECE programming, and investigating the relationships of young children’s development with their home environments.


This year, we are interested in presenting on the topics of adversity and classroom quality:

  • How can ECE programs support healthy child development during times of extreme stress or adversity?
  • What are the most important aspects of classroom quality for young children’s learning and development?


If you are tackling any of these questions through your work with IDELA, and would be interested in presenting with the IDELA Network team at CIES in 2018 in Mexico City, please contact Lauren Pisani ([email protected]) by 3 October 2017.


Kind regards,
IDELA Network Team