
Baseline ECD and School Readiness Program and Evaluation Overview from Zambia


Through the Scaling Up Early Childhood Development in Zambia (SUpErCDZ) project, Right to Care Zambia (RTC-Z) in partnership with Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPHI) will deliver a previously piloted early childhood development (ECD) curriculum through a community-based parenting group (CBPG) intervention at scale in rural Zambia. Additionally, RTC-Z will distribute a Zambian Folklore Children’s Book targeted at increasing pre-grade reading comprehension and school readiness in rural Zambia.

The aims of this study are (1) to understand the outcomes and effects of the parenting groups on child development outcomes when delivered at scale and (2) to understand the effects of the Zambian Folklore Children’s Book on child development and school readiness outcomes.

This baseline report provides an overview of how data was collected but does not provide or analyze overall IDELA scores. A presentation of the data is available through the IDELA Data Explorer.

Author: Thandiwe Ngoma
Organizations: Boston University, Right to Care, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Date: March 12, 2020
Country: Zambia