Scoring additional items 13 and 14

  • Creator
  • #4798 Reply

    Frannie Noble

    I had a question about IDELA scoring. We opted to include items 13 and 14 (digit span and head toes knees shoulders) even though they are not included in the overall IDELA score. I wondered if you had any guidance on reporting scores for these items? I am considering whether we will report them in the same manner as the other item scores (total score achieved/total score possible), or whether these should be handled differently. For example, I have seen some other uses of digit span assessment where the score is the longest digit span length repeated correctly, rather than the percent correct.

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  • Author
  • #4801 Reply

    Lauren Pisani

    Great question! We do generally recommended that users score these items in the same manner as the other item scores (total score achieved/total score possible). There are other versions of these items that use different scoring methodologies, but scoring procedures are tied to the specifics of how an item was administered (for example, see Cameron, McClelland, Matthews, & Morrison (2009) on the scoring for the original head-shoulders-knees-toes item from which ours was adapted).

    If desired, you could combine the two scores into one ‘executive function’ score. However, take care to note that two items are not enough to represent the entire domain of executive functioning. We are hoping to add more items to this domain in the future so that it more completely represents this domain of development so stay tuned for more on this!

    #69609 Reply

    Dorothy Mrema

    What about the overall observation of the child section at the end of the assessment. How is this scored?

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