Do I have to pay to use IDELA?

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  • #2937 Reply

    Frannie Noble

    Do I have to pay to use IDELA?

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  • #2939 Reply

    Frannie Noble

    No, IDELA is an open source tool available to the public free of cost. Save the Children does ask IDELA users to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to clarify how IDELA should be used and to encourage partners to share information and learning about ECCD. Information about the MoU is available on the IDELA website.

    #7165 Reply

    Varun Dutt

    Hi , I am trying to understand about IDELA and exploring to use it for a learning level assessment study with 4-6 years old in Rwanda. Would request to respond to by below queries:

    1) Can we internally train the enumerators on the IDELA tool(with support of the manuals nad training material) or is it a compulsion to only deploy IDELA trained/certified assessors ?
    2) Would an already translated (in Kinyarwanda language) and ready to use tool be available for Rwanda or any customization/translation will be required?

    #7169 Reply

    Varun Dutt

    Would request someone to help me with this . Thanks in advance
    #Frannie Noble

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